I can hear their bells. The walk was rather easy. There was a section of large rocks, more like lava jutting from the ground. Out of the rocky terrain came little purple flowers, and someone had told me they were there to tell me, "Look up Lillian"

Came to a clearing where a cross stood, looking solemn and glorious as the fog enveloped it.

I passed Atapuerca and would have loved to have gone into the archaelogical dig, but it would be closed this early in the morning. This place had been dug for the railroad company and what they found was evidence of human life 800 thousand years ago. Look this up.... it is very interesting.

The way down wasn´t bad either, but suddenly I got a pain under my ankle. Lucklily I was a pproaching a village. At the bar was Niall and Shelly. He said he and a German woman were the only guests at a very nice albergue. GGGRRRRRR!!!! The 3 of us walked and my pain slowed me down. So a little cream and Niall´s bandage, we moved on. I told them to move on, which they did because my pain was worsening. I reached the fork in the road. I had seen Niall and Shelly take the left. A German couple arrived at the same time as me and we took the right. Maybe it was shorter, I don´t know. What I do know is that the pain was getting severe and I was relying more and more on my sticks and limping rather severely. Smaller steps. This road took me along the highway and through industrial areas. I kept looking at each individual car as it passed by hoping they would pick on my discomfort and offer help. I just could not stick my thumb out. No one stopped. I had cried/bawled at times. I am worried this is bad. At a gas station I was told there were no buses on sunday. That taxis don´t go by, they would have to be called. I went on. Desperate now as the pain was sooo bad. And a taxi appeared. Empty. He took me into Burgos, which took only a few minutes. I was already on the outside of it when I got into its back seat.

I passed by the cathedral on the way to the albergue. Enormous beautiful. And found the albergue, only a block form the cathedral. I got the last bed. Too many people bathing and washing so I went for food. Stood in line at a popular restaurant the hospitalero told me about. Gambas al ajillo (with heads), morcilla (a little heavy on the rice), bread and Shandy. Now I am in the rambla, next to a little fountain. It is a perfect afternoon. Yet I am worried. The feeling in my foot is not minor. I decided to do the cathedral´s full tour, paid my peregrino price of 1€ and went in.

It is enormous, there are many chapels within. This monstrous sized building is an incredible sight. Anywhere you look there is an important figure, relic, carving or just architectural design that is breathtaking. It all requires gazing. It becomes so much that one goes into over stimulation. The ceilings are beautiful... each room with its theme, also beautiful.

It is 800 years old! I entered into one of the halls and found ... Niall! LOL.
Here´s StUrsula, whose name assists women in childbirth. Her 11000 virgin followers were beheaded. Columbus named the Virgin Islands after these women. At least that´s what we always heard in the VI.

The remains of El Cid Campeador are here as well. I remember that movie as a child. Loved it.

Art everywhere

We toured the rest together then once finished we went for a snack, or rather he snacked on morcillas, and beer. We chatted about circumcision. (!) He was very interested in the information I provided.

We went for a walk down the rambla and there was an outdoor salsa concert. As long as I step a certain way I can walk, but I would not be able to go long distances. We found a table and had sangria. One neat thing to see- here it is sunday afternoon- is the amount of people strolling.
People of all ages with their children, dogs; generations together. FULL of people. As it was a sunday afternoon people were dressed up. Every cafe table was taken. It is quite lovely. One of those things I missed about Spain.

Niall was hungry again so we strolled/limped :) to a bar. We ate a little and I had to go. 10pm curfew! We hugged, a little awkwardly... I forgot people here do not hug (sigh). I wonder how people greet/leave each other in Ireland. He mentioned we would probably see each other down the Camino. I´m not too sure right now. I will email him the pics I have. Tomorrow he will be able to use his camera again. I went to bed. Damn! That top bunk has a ladder with skinny rails. Lights out but outside was so noisy. I could hear children playing. Ironic isn´t it? The crashing of bottles being dumped into large containers, the tables being stacked, people yelling, I heard it all. Eventually I went to sleep. I felt cold
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