The home of the Running of the bulls.

I asked for directions and went to a sports shop and bought a sleeping sack and a pair of socks. I went to the German albergue, Paderborn, and checked in. The man gave me lemonade and cookies and I got a room with 2 bunks.

Veronika (Austria) had a bottom bunk as well as me and that couple which were next to me in Roncesvalles , the Spanish couple from Madrid (Parque de las Avenidas)were on top of us. Selena (Germany), Marina (Palma), Martin (Quebec), Nadine (France), Elise (Montreal), Gabriel and his mom (Spain).... all people from previous albergues. There were others as well. I went with Martin to return something he bought at the sports shop and then went to eat the Pilgrim´s menu at La Raspa. I had acelgas with papas with olive oil drizzle, lenguada (a fish) big and delicious, with french fries fried in olive oil. Flan for dessert. Yes wine and bread. The bar owner was so attentive... he chatted with everyone, especially me since I spoke Spanish. Then he convinced us to try a local drink called Patxaran. He brought them in big brandy snifters over ice.... it is reddish and it was divine. Anise with a local berry soaked for a while to sweeten it.

Arturo, the owner, after seeing me and hearing me speak so well of this drink, brings a whole bottle (1 liter) of this and gives it to me as a gift. WOW!! I felt so happy....but how am I going to carry an extra 2 pounds? No way! I told Martin the plan and at the albergue I gave the bottle to Nadine and Elise, who were taking the bus to Puente La Reina instead of walking because the ALto del Perdon was going to be too tough on their legs. Perfect plan. Of course I told everyone we would be drinking together tomorrow night. The albergue has this apparatus for spinning out the water we handwash. It works like a centrifuge, getting it as least moist as possible. Then I used the blowdryer, a small one, which I used to finish drying my socks. Started out rough, ended well. Loving it! Now I have a warm sleeping bag.
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